ACAMIS Spring Leadership Conference

Friday & Saturday, April 25-26, 2025

Xi'an Liangjiatan International School

Theme: Power of Community

Bus transport will be provided between the following hotels to the host school:

  • On Friday and Saturday mornings from the hotels to XLIS
  • On Friday evening after Social Reception from XLIS to the 3 hotels indicated below:
  • At the end of the conference from XLIS to the following 2 departure points (subject to demand) :
    • Xi'an Xianyang International Airport
    • Xi'an North Railway Station

Notes with hotel reservation:

  • You need to make your own hotel reservation (or for your colleagues who are going to attend the conference).
  • You (and/or your colleagues) can book other hotels but you will need to make your own way to the host school.
  • Hotel rates posted below are examples, not guaranteed. Prices tend to increase as the event date approaches and the number of available rooms decreases. Pricing is determined solely by hotel and arrangements are between hotel and guest.
  • Transportation will be provided from the following hotels to the host school during the conference days (see above for details).

Recommended Hotels