ACAMIS Spring Leadership Conference
Friday & Saturday, April 25-26, 2025
Xi'an Liangjiatan International School
Theme: Power of Community
Sponsorship Information
We invite you to join us as sponsor of this conference, where we are excited to have a wide range of school leaders attending from among our 92 member international schools and also from non-member schools. With quality Keynote Speakers and the dynamic Xi’an location, we are hopeful for attendance of four hundred+ participants.
The theme of this year’s conference is Power of Community. Schools are powerful communities where we have opportunities to work together to support both children and adults throughout their lives. We will explore the opportunities where a community can be developed through buildings, engagement with the larger community, wellbeing initiatives and inclusive practices. The conference sub-themes will be focused on:
- Building: Building community through events and also through our spaces.
- Engagement: Developing strategies for our school community to engage with the larger local and global community.
- Wellbeing: Maintaining a work life balance as adults and supporting our students to care for themselves.
- Inclusion: Systems to support all students, staff and families as we build our community.
The conference will offer multiple strands suiting various school leadership roles such as School Heads/Principals, Middle Management, Business Managers, Facilities and Operations Manager, Human Resource Managers, Marketing and Admissions Directors, Athletic Directors and ACE (ACAMIS Cultural & Enrichment) Coordinators.
Exhibitor Listing, Promotions & Lead Generation - Whova App
As well as your onsite Sponsor Table(s)/signage, your Exhibitor listing (“booth”) will be displayed in Whova, an event app used by attendees to access all conference information on their mobile phone. You can add company and contact information, a video, photos, handouts, etc. to your “booth” and we will send some push notifications encouraging attendees to visit the sponsor tables, view exhibitor Whova “booths” and to consider special promotional offers you might run, such as a giveaway/raffle/coupon (which you can set up in your “booth”).
Passport Contest - We will also run a Passport Contest via Whova to encourage attendees to visit you at your sponsor table.
Collect Leads - You will also be able to collect leads via Whova App if attendees sign-up to your promotional offer, “like” or comment inside your exhibitor “booth”, or make/request contact.
We hope you can also use the conference to catch up with existing customers.
Act Fast - Sponsorship Places are Limited
This year we plan to limit sponsorship to around 60 tables from our one hundred (100)+ sponsors, so please act fast to secure your place and avoid disappointment.
Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship Packages and Optional Extras are shown below (with extra inclusions/differences compared to the prior package highlighted in blue):
Note: Only Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors can choose their sponsor table location with priority given in that order.
BRONZE ($1,600 USD)
- ONE exhibition table for two days – with no choice of table location
- Up to TWO company representatives can attend
- Exhibitor Listing in Whova App (display of company name, logo or video, slogan, website URL, bio/product/service description, photos, handout document links and sales contact person name, email and phone)
- Sponsor Thanks/Listing – Display of company logo (including website link) on the Conference webpage (typically displayed for approximately nine months: last year sponsor thank page)
SILVER ($2,200 USD)
- ONE exhibition table for two days - with a choice of table location
- Up to TWO company representatives can attend
- Co-sponsor a coffee break (with signage showing company logo and recognition in Whova)
- Exhibitor Listing in Whova App (display of company name, logo or video, slogan, website URL, bio/product/service description, photos, handout document links and sales contact person name, email and phone)
- Sponsor Thanks/Listing – Display of company logo (including website link) on the Conference webpage (typically displayed for approximately nine months: last year sponsor thank page)
GOLD ($2,900 USD)
- ONE exhibition table for two days - with a choice of table location
- Up to TWO company representatives can attend
- Co-sponsor a lunch (with signage showing company logo and recognition in Whova)
- Exhibitor Listing in Whova App (display of company name, logo or video, slogan, website URL, bio/product/service description, photos, handout document links and sales contact person name, email and phone)
- Exhibitor Outreach Campaign – The Outreach Campaign saves you time by allowing you to draft a customised and personalised in-app message (promotional campaign) to all attendees and send it with one click inside Whova app. If you buy this option, you will be allowed to send two such messages during the event.
- Sponsor Thanks/Listing – Display of company logo (including website link) on the Conference webpage (typically displayed for approximately nine months: last year sponsor thank page)
- Use of the ACAMIS logo for one year (not for endorsement)
PLATINUM ($4,500 USD) - limited to two sponsors only
- Two exhibition table for two days - with a choice of table location
- Up to FOUR company representatives can attend
- Sponsor one major Keynote Speech (with two banner signs on stage, a short company/service/product introductory video presentation and special thanks at the opening Conference Welcome speech and recognition in Whova).
- Exhibitor Outreach Campaign – Allow exhibitors to send personalized in-app message campaigns in one click!
- Special thanks/ verbal acknowledgement given by ACAMIS – verbal, while displaying your logo on screen.
- Exhibitor Listing in Whova App (display of company name, logo or video, slogan, website URL, bio/product/service description, photos, handout document links and sales contact person name, email and phone)
- Sponsor Thanks/Listing – Display of company logo (including website link) and a short company/service/product introductory video on the Conference webpage (typically displayed for approximately nine months: last year sponsor thank page)
- Use of the ACAMIS logo for one year (not for endorsement)
Optional Extras
Social Function Sponsors – US $990
You will be the exclusive Social Function Sponsor; six stand up banners with your company logo will be displayed at the Social, with recognition highlighted in Whova and special thanks given and logo display in the Opening Welcome speech. Promotional materials can be placed on all tables in the reception area. All promotional materials need to be reviewed in advance to ensure there is nothing controversial or misleading. The sponsor must provide all signage and promotional materials and we will set them up.
Exhibitor 1-1 Meeting Scheduler – USD $300 (Five Sponsors Only)
Easy facilitating 1 – 1 meeting between exhibitors and attendees via three simple steps: Set up the meeting blocks, exhibitors confirm availability and attendees sign up for meeting slots.
- One Extra Table (includes attendance by up to two extra company representatives) - $800 USD (subject to availability)
- One Extra Company Representative can attend - $150 USD
Registration Gift Sponsorship (no fee applies)
We would appreciate any generous donations of registration gifts. You can provide a badged registration gift to be given to all conference participants. For example, this could be a hat, a coffee mug, or a USB.
Sponsorship Terms & Conditions
Package Inclusions & Optional Extras are as listed above. Additional terms and conditions are shown in the application form.
For any sponsorship queries, please email Wendy Fan at
Quicklinks to Other Pages
Refund Policies
If notice of cancellation re the registered participant/sponsor is received:
- 30+ days pre-event: 80% of fee is refundable
- 15-29 days pre-event: 40% of fee is refundable
- Less than 15 days pre-event: no refund
Online PD Programs - No refund will be granted re participants commencing an online PD program and withdrawing part way through. Course material fees (re DiSC surveys, book fees, etc) are not refundable once access is granted.
Refund Due To PD Event CancellationIn the event of cancellation of a conference, workshop or online PD program, we will fully refund the registration or sponsorship fee(s) paid. However, we will be unable to refund any travel, visa or accommodation expenses incurred or course material fees where access has been granted.